La Sacra Conversazione, 2024. enameled glass smalti, grout, and silicon bronze on honey comb aluminum panel. Tryptich, 106 x 105 in. overall.
Site-specific commission for Purification Heritage Center
La Sacra Conversazione was created for a retreat center in rural eastern Georgia. The artwork is centered behind the altar on the east wall of the center’s chapel. Like a reredos, it acts as both backdrop to the altar and frame to the tabernacle, which is located within a bronze relief at the base of the center panel. The mosaic continues the longstanding tradition of triptych altarpieces, which center focus on Christ in the Reserved Eucharist.
La Sacra Conversazione, meaning “sacred conversation,” depicts four saints gathered around the Holy Mother and Child. In keeping with this iconographic type, Saints Simeon, Anna, Luke, and Joseph were chosen by the owner because of their role in the history and devotion of the local Catholic community. The saints are expressive and animated in their discourse.
At the center of the sacred conversation, Mary holds Jesus on her lap—she is both throne and mother. Their depiction emphasizes relationship, expressed in the affectionate touch of mother and child’s hands.
A floral motif in the background establishes a garden scene and signifies Mary as the Burning Bush. Just as the fire burning inside the bush on Mount Sinai did not consume it, so Mary held Our Lord in her womb and was immaculate.
Visitors who come to the chapel for retreat, prayer, and liturgy are invited to contemplate the mystery of the Incarnation and to join the saints in the sacred conversation.

Conceptual rendering

Owner Purification Properties | Architect Lineweight Studio | Bronze Tabernacle Sherri Jaudes | Mosaic Studio Mosaika | Metalsmith Red Iron Studio |